You are able to add additional links to your Financials if the default amount of links are not enough.
To do this you will need to have the Financial Statements open, then go to Template Tools on the ribbon bar and select Details Update.
Once you have done that you will see a screen that shows a list of updates that you can apply to the file.
The updates that you can apply are as follows.
Note_Num_MortgageBond | Increase the total mortgage bonds in the file from 5 to 50 |
Note_Num_ISA | Increase the total instalment sale agreements in the file from 20 to 75 |
Note_Num_DebLiab | Increase the total debenture liabilities in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_OtherFinLiabA | Increase the total other financial liabilities group A in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_LoansA | Increase the total loans in the file (liabilities) group A in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_ForExchLiab | Increase the total foreign exchange contract liabilities in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_IntRateSwapLiab | Increase the total interest rate swap liabilities in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_DerivLiabA | Increase the total derivative in the file (liabilities) group A in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_BankLoanA | Increase the total bank loans group A in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_PrefShares | Increase the total redeemable preference shares in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_DivPayable | Increase the total dividends payable in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_CompoundInstruments | Increase the total compound instruments in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_LoansFromGroup | Increase the total loans from and to group entity in the file from 40 to 150 |
Note_Num_LoansFromShare | Increase the total loans from and to owners in the file (shareholders etc) from 20 to 50 |
Note_Num_DeferredIncome | Increase the total deferred income in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_RetBen | Increase the total retirement benefits assets and obligations from 1 to 10 |
Note_Num_EquityInvestments | Increase the total investments in Subs, Assocs and JVs in the file from 10 to 50 |
Note_Num_DeferredTax | Increase the total deferred tax classes in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_UnitTrusts | Increase the total unit trusts in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_Bonds | Increase the total bond assets in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_DebAssets | Increase the total debenture assets in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_OtherFinAssetA | Increase the total other financial assets group A in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_OtherLoansRec | Increase the total other loans and receivables in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_ForExchContracts | Increase the total foreign exchange contract assets in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_IntRateSwapAsset | Increase the total interest rate swaps in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_DerivA | Increase the total derivative assets group A in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_FinLeaseRec* | Increase the total finance lease receivables in a file from 10 to 25 |
Note_Num_OpeLeaseRec | Increase the total operating lease receivables in the file from 10 to 25 |
Note_Num_Prepay | Increase the total prepayments in the file from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_PPE | Increase the total available PPE classes by 12 |
Note_Num_IProp | Increase the total available investment property classes by 8 |
Note_Num_Intangibles | Increase the total available intangible asset classes by 15 |
Note_Num_BA | Increase the total available biological asset classes by 10 |
Note_Num_Inventories | Increase the total available inventory classes by 12 |
Note_Num_CashAndEquivalents | Increase the total bank accounts in the file from 5 to 25 |
Note_Num_PPE | Increase property details on PPE notes from 5 to 10 |
Note_Num_IProp | Increase property details on Investment property notes from 5 to 10 |
ReportAudit | Insert audit report for year ends before 15 December 2016 |
Note_Num_FinLeaseLiab | Increase the total finance lease liabilities in the file from 10 to 25 |
Note_Num_OperatingLeaseLiab | Increase the total operating lease receivables in the file from 10 to 25 |
Other_Expenses | Increase the total other expenses in the file from 20 to 50 |
PPE_note_switch | Property, Plant and Equipment note layout switch. This switches the horizontal and vertical axis in the note. |
IA_note_switch | Intangible Assets note layout switch. This switches the horizontal and vertical axis in the note. |
BA_note_switch | Biological Assets note layout switch. This switches the horizontal and vertical axis in the note. |
DeferredTax_note_switch | Deferred tax note layout switch. This switches the horizontal and vertical axis in the note. |
SoCE_Detail* | Increase the total available reserves in the file |
*Only available on certain Frameworks
Once you have ticked the updates that you want to add to your file you can select Apply. Once the changes have been applied the new links will be added to your working trial balance and the financials will have the new notes inserted.
The system makes a backup of your financials from before you ran the updates so you are able to revert back to the original financials if needed.