Draftworx allows you to store any additional documents/schedules/letters/images etc in the Documents menu (or elsewhere) for quick access.
To do this go to Office Tools><Type of document> (pdf, excel or word):
Note: The PDF viewer will only allow you to import a pdf and will take you directly to a browse window, whereas Spreadsheet and Word will allow you to import OR create from scratch. If it's an image you want to import, select Image Viewer:
If you want to browse for an existing file, select Existing (or simply select the Document receiver and drag and drop the document),
Or, if you want to create a new one, select New:
Lets assume we want to create a Stock sheet: If we select Spreadsheet>New, a blank sheet will open where we can capture our data:
Once completed, go to Save As, give it a file name and stipulate where you want to store this Document (as mentioned you can store to any menu):
Select External file if you want to save outside Draftworx:
Click Yes:
Your new document can now be accessed from the menu:
You can take it a step further by inserting a hyperlink to access this document from within the financials for example.
To do this, click on the cell where you want to insert the link, then select Hyperlinks>Show/Hide Documents:
Double-click the document you want to link from the menu on the right of your screen:
A link will be inserted directly to your saved document:
Tip: If you don't want the Sheet name displaying as a hyperlink, you can change it to a number instead, just by inserting a <number><space> before the document name, eg:
It will then display as:
(This is the same logic used in our Lead Schedules and Working Papers)