Once the program has been installed, you will be prompted to complete the practic...
Select the client file you want to control access to. Enable Read Only will allow...
Client list To set up the path to where you would like to store your client f...
Transfer is used to move your client files between Local/Serve r or Local/Websync...
Create Client Copy allows you to make a copy of the client file. Click on the cli...
To create a client backup (zip) file, click on the client to be backed up, then g...
To restore a Draftworx backup file, go to Actions > Restore Client Backup You ...
Before you archive a client file, you will need to insert the path to where you w...
Select the Draftworx icon on the top left then Enable Client Rename Rename the cl...
To delete a client file, select the client, then select Delete on your keyboard. ...
While working in a file and you’d like to exit and go back to the client list, se...
This is the final step to perform before compiling your financials. The Trial Bal...
You are able to manually add additional line items to the Working Trial Balance. ...
To process the C ashbook go to Financial Data> Cashbook : You will then see th...
To process journals go to Financial Data> Journal Entries: In the journal scre...
To run the financial statements, click on Financial Data>XXXFinancials (Name w...
There are 2 sheets not to be included in the financial statements but are there f...
Draftworx allows the option of selecting an Indirect or Direct Statement of Cash ...
Once you have completed the editing of your template, you will be able to finalis...
Note: The article below will explain the Print Preview settings in detail by Tab....
Draftworx allows the option to insert letterheads and/or other images, for eg: on...
If you would like to export your Trial Balance into Excel, do the following: From...
To roll forward to the next year, go to Client Setup>Year End Close Select Yes...
To create a consolidated set of financials, you will first need to create separat...
Draftworx allows you to store any additional documents/schedules/letters/images e...
Warning! When changing your Framework, all changes to your financial statements a...
If you would like to use the same template layout for multiple clients, you are a...
You may need to add your own Notes into the template; this is done as follows: At...
To change the order of any Notes, do the following: Click on the note you would l...
Note: This article covers the steps for + Financials only; for non + or non Draft...
Note: Currently only available in Draftworx Desktop To make use of the Privy Seal...
Draftworx Desktop: Importing Your Trial Balance From an Excel Spreadsheet D...